Data Entry Instructions
- If you have not used Scorekeeper before, have someone who knows it give you a quick tutorial.
- At the beginning of each run group, find the appropriate competitor in the database, or add the competitor's name, car make & model, class and number to the database. You can either look over the shoulder of the Timing Recorder, or wait until the times have been recorded for each person, and then do the entries.
- Enter times and penalties from the timing box and course control person OR from the timing cards.
- Be sure not to get the timing cards out of order or drop them. The times you enter are NOT official. The times that are written down on the timing cards by the Timing Recorder are the official times. You should do everything possible not to interfere with the Timing Recorder's job.
- Do not hold up timing for data entry. If you get behind, you can catch up later -- even after the run group is done if necessary.
- Check accuracy of data, name spellings, car makes & models, etc. if possible as you go.
- Do your best to enter accurate times and penalties. Accurate work will help auditing go more quickly, which means the trophy presentation can happen sooner.
- Check the laptop battery frequently and start the generator if it is running low. Start the generator before using the printer.
- Print the audit reports at the end of each run group. Have someone audit the entered times against the time cards. Make any corrections.
- At the end of the AM and PM sessions, make sure all entries are accurate. Print the final results report for the Event Chair for the Trophy Presentation.
Time Recorder Instructions
- The Time Recorder typically sits in the front passenger seat of the timing vehicle.
- Make sure you have more than one working pen, a clipboard, and some scratch paper, as well as the timing forms/cards for the first set of cars, before the first car runs.
- Coordinate communication with Penalty Call-in/Course Control. Make sure you understand their signals for clean runs, cones, gates, DNF's, etc. prior to the first car out for that session.
- Write legibly (even though some of our drivers don’t)!
- Look at the timing box for the time, and then write it down on the appropriate card. Do not rely on what the announcer is saying. It is your responsibility to make sure the recorded times are accurate.
- Be sure to write Scratch Time (displayed time, no penalties included) where indicated on the form.
- Write penalties clearly; if the timing form does not indicate whether you should record "cones" or "seconds", annotate your penalty numbers with "c" for cones, "g" for gates, or "s" for seconds if that is what you use.
- No matter what, write each time somewhere. If you don't have the timing card or form for the finishing car, write down the time and car info on a scrap of paper so you can come back to it later. The timing display will clear as more cars run, and that time will disappear.
- If you total the time plus penalty seconds and write that in the total column, please be accurate.
Course Worker Instructions
- Come prepared for changing weather while on station. Take a bathroom break if needed before you go on course.
- Check in with the Chief of Workers at the beginning of your work assignment.
- Make sure you know which station you are working and where it is.
- Make sure you know your area of responsibility and the location of your radio person.
- Make sure your station has adequate supplies: extra cones, fire extinguishers, radio, and red flag.
- Make sure all the cones in your area are in their proper place when you first come on station and periodically check them all during your work shift.
- Spread out to cover your area. Don't cluster together and talk.
- Do not use cameras while on a corner station.
- Do not sit down or wander away from your station.
- Do not pick up hot parts dropped on course because of the risk of burns. Kick them off of the course and pick them up after they have cooled.
- Cars may come as quickly as 15-20 seconds. Be alert!! Hustle!
- Watch the cones, not the car. As soon as safely possible, check any cone that moved. Reset or replace any cone that moves and indicate penalty or not to your radio person.
- Use “safe” signal for no penalty; “touchdown” signal for missed gate; hold up penalty cone(s) or fingers for number of penalty cones. Cone penalty for “down or out” cone (see below). “Gate” penalty for going outside course (and not returning at the exit point)--driving over a line is OK. “DNF” (Did Not Finish) for missing significant portion of the course. (Note: Each cone not correctly negotiated in a slalom is a gate.)
- Explain to any red-flagged car why they were stopped. They can exit the course either directly or by driving SLOWLY through the remainder of the course. If red flag was NOT because of anything they did, they get a rerun.
- Do not litter. Take garbage with you when you are done.
Cone Penalties (see illustrations below):
A penalty is assessed if:
- Cone is knocked over (either touching box or not)
- If a cone is standing but not touching the chalk box
No penalty is assessed if:
- Cone is standing and touching box
- Cone is a pointer or directional cone

Announcer Instructions
- Know how to read the timing box; which display holds the time for the car just finished, and which holds the time for the car just before it.
- Announce each car's time promptly as it finishes.
- Announce (in order) the class, car number, driver name, and the time (with penalties if applicable and available). You may be providing information to the Posting personnel, so try to give them what they need.
- Remember that your first duty is to provide information, entertainment value is secondary.
- Know what the buttons on the timing box are for; for a JAC box these are RS (Reset Start), RF (Reset Finish), S (Start), F (Finish), and Init. Before the runs begin, think about how each one would be used. Hint: you'll virtually never use the Start button.
- Make sure the timing box is on and initialized (cleared) before the first car runs.
- Watch that the number of cars running is the same as the number of clocks running on the timing box.
- Do not hesitate to announce for assistance if needed or to “Hold the Start” if there are problems with the timing equipment.
- The Announcer’s job is a lot of responsibility, but when you have it down pat, it can also be a lot of fun!
Course Station Radio Operator Instructions
- You are the "station chief." If you are not comfortable with this, hand off the radio and red flag to someone else at the station who is.
- Know how to operate the radio (frequency selection, volume, squelch, push-to-talk, as applicable). If you don't know, ask Penalty Call-in, the Worker Chief or the Equipment focal (if available), as you get the radio. Be sure that you have pushed the TALK button firmly and hold for a second before starting to speak.
- Make sure you can hear the radio. When Penalty Call-in asks you to check in, verify that he/she can also hear you.
- Know your coverage area. Normally the course designer should have provided station maps to show this.
- Have your station colleagues check the cones to be sure they are on spot, before the first car runs.
- Hold the red flag furled (not rolled up). Hold the radio in your other hand.
- Let your course station colleagues chase cones. Your first responsibility is to watch the backs of your station workers; watch for potential red-flag situations, especially when there are multiple cars on course; and communicate with Penalty Call-in/Course Control.
- Tell your station colleagues to spread out; watch the cones and not the cars; and make sure they communicate penalties to you so that you can call them in.
- Call in total penalties on a car as it leaves your coverage area for the last time. Quickly relay your station number, the penalties, and enough information to uniquely identify the car (e.g. "Station Three, 2 cones on red Rx-7 #45").
- If Penalty Call-in does not acknowledge your call, ask them if they heard it. Keep calling until they properly acknowledge.
- If you hear a call for a red flag on the radio, look around for approaching cars first. Then unfurl the flag, step toward the course, and wave the flag at the nearest car. Don't just stand there and hold the flag out; your job at that point is to get the driver's attention. Don't step out into the path of the car, or close enough to it to jeopardize your safety.
- Inform a red-flagged driver that they probably get a re-run (unless they were flagged for their own mechanical failure, or because they were so far off course as to be creating a safety hazard involving another car), and that they should return to the Grid and contact Grid personnel about where to line up. Tell them to drive off the course, or through the remainder of the route, at a low but not crawling speed (about 20 mph) on their way to Grid.