Here is your opportunity for a competition filled weekend at Sanderson Field in Shelton with free overnight camping.
BEAC Touch & Go - Event #5
On Saturday August 19th BEAC will host the 3rd annual Touch & Go. Our high-flying member club Boeing Employees Autosports Club(BEAC) will supply a fully reversible, Mike Millet designed, course. Touch & Go is race #5 in the 2023 Polonez Automotive sponsored WWSCC Championship Series.
WWSCC Sports Car Spectacular - Event #6
On Sunday August 20th all the member clubs will host the WWSCC annual fundraising event Sports Car Spectacular(SCS). SCS is event #6 in the 2023 Polonez Automotive sponsored WWSCC Championship Series. These two events will help determine who is in contention for top points honors for the series.
On Saturday, Pro1 class and most of the stock cars will Run 1, Work 2. Non-Stock will Work 1 - Run 2. Run/Work adjustments will be made on the fly based on total sign-up. Time only runs in the PM.
On Sunday, Pro1 class and most of the stock classes will Work 1, Run 2. Non-Stock will Run 1, Work 2. Run/Work adjustments will be made on the fly based on total sign-up. Time only runs in the PM.
Taco truck on site @ Noon each day.
Dry camping is available.
First come, first serve. Please don't park on the (dry) grass. No fires allowed.
Registration will be available at the site of the event. The price for the event will be $40.00 (USD) for 1st pre - registration/entry, $45.00 for onsite registration, $35.00 for 2nd entry of the day. Only cash or check accepted on site, no credit cards. Participants are encouraged to pre-register online through the Score-keeper registration website, Participants will be required to show a valid driver’s license.
Register Here on Scorekeeper for both events.
Session 1: Morning Session (All competition runs)
Registration: 8:00am – 9:00am Tech inspection: 8:00am – 9:00am Drivers Meeting: 9:30 am First car out: 9:45 am
Session 2: Afternoon Session (Time Only runs)
Registration: 12:00noon – 1:00pm Tech inspection: 12:00noon – 1:00pm Drivers Meeting: 1:30 pm First Car Out: 1:45pm
